Sharing for Empowerment is the leading educational and technology online media in Indonesia. This online media, managed by young people who have received education at home and abroad, is dedicated to advancing the world of education and technology in Indonesia.

With the tagline “Mencerdaskan” or “to Educate” provides correct, accurate, responsible and intelligent information. is accessed by thousands of readers every day. This trusted online media is a credible and trustworthy reference for educational information for the public. is an effective and efficient means for socializing and campaigning for programs with a target market among educated people in Indonesia.

As a trusted online media, has also become a legal entity based on the Decree of the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Law and Human Rights on SK KEMENKUMHAM RI Nomor: AHU-0076088.AH.01.01.TAHUN 2023, Tanggal 09 Oktober 2023. Dasar Hukum: Akte Notaris Arieana, S.H., M.Kn. Nomor 23 tanggal 09 Oktober 2023. Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP): 50.643.076.8-524.000 (PT. Candradimuka Cendekia Muda). Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB): 1110230091226. Klasifikasi Baku Lapangan Usaha Indonesia (KBLI): 63122 and No TDE PSE Domestik with PB-UMKU 111023009122600000002: 004489.01/DJAI.PSE/11/2023.


Editor in Chief: Y. Prayogo

Editorial Staff : JS de Britto, Tiara Apriani, Arli Cia

Freelancer Writer: Malena, Luthfi Fikaz, Diah Ulfa, Richard E

Social Media Officer: Natalia S

Business Development (Base Camp in Jakarta): Johanes S.

Finance & Admin: Lucia F.


Email: or
Call/WhatsApp: +62 812 8027 7190

PT. Candradimuka Cendekia Muda
Kavling Tlatar Jalan Raya Tatar,
Gang Rukun II Nomor 5, Desa/Kelurahan Muntilan,
Kecamatan Muntilan, Kab. Magelang,
Provinsi Jawa Tengah – INDONESIA
Kode Pos 56411


Support the Campaign

Drawing inspiration from countries like the Netherlands, where farming is a sophisticated, high-tech big industry utilizing advanced technologies such as hydroponics and drones, this campaign aims to demonstrate that farming can be both modern and full of potential.