EU and Indonesia commit to strengthening Partnership for Sustainable Development

Peluncuran Blue Book 2019 Uni Eropa-Indonesia
Menteri Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (BAPPENAS), Profesor Bambang Brodjonegoro bersama Kuasa Usaha Delegasi Uni Eropa untuk Indonesia, Charles-Michel Geurts meluncurkan Blue Book 2019 di Le Meridien Hotel, Jakarta, Selasa, 28 Mei 2019 (KalderaNews/Uni Eropa)
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JAKARTA, – Today (28/5), the Indonesian Minister for National Development Planning (BAPPENAS), H. E. Prof. Bambang Brodjonegoro, together with the Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Indonesia, Charles-Michel Geurts, launched the EU-Indonesia Blue Book 2019, an annual publication on EU-Indonesia development cooperation. From advancing sustainable economic development to mitigating the effects of climate change, the publication highlights the key achievements of the EU and its Member States’ development programmes with Indonesia.

The EU and Indonesia have long partnered to fulfil global commitments under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With this year’s theme coined as “Together for Sustainable Development”, the EU confirms the critical importance of the SDGs to the EU-Indonesia partnership.


“SDGs are the defining objectives that guide both the EU and Indonesia. Therefore, it is no surprise that the SDGs are the focus of the EU’s cooperation with Indonesia. Indonesia has shown remarkable progress in incorporating the SDGs in its development plans, and the EU is committed to support Indonesia’s efforts through targeted cooperation programmes,” said Charles-Michel Geurts, Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the EU Delegation to Indonesia.

Charles-Michel Geurts, Chargé d'affaires a.i. of the EU Delegation to Indonesia
Charles-Michel Geurts, Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the EU Delegation to Indonesia (KalderaNews/JS de Britto)

“Indonesia and the EU may be geographically distant and culturally different, but when it comes to development cooperation, we have been, and will be continuing to work together to achieve the SDGs. The EU-Indonesia Blue Book is a great resource which highlights what has been accomplished, and what the future holds for the EU-Indonesia partnership,” said H.E. Prof. Bambang Brodjonegoro, Minister for National Development Planning.

Key highlights of EU-Indonesia cooperation in 2018 include, among others:

  • The launch of ARISE Plus – Indonesia, the first EU-Indonesia trade-related assistance programme, which is closely linked to regional economic integration in ASEAN;
  • The completion of the EU’s Support to Indonesia’s Climate Change Response programme after four years of successful operation with a focus on Aceh Province. Among its key achievements, the project contributed to the institutional strengthening of Indonesia’s Directorate General of Climate Change, and to the “greening” of Provincial Development Plans (RPJM), including the incorporation of climate targets, paving the way for further cooperation in the area of climate change;
  • A justice sector reform programme (SUSTAIN), which saw the introduction of a digital case tracking system, a computer-based whistleblowing system, and over 6,000 Supreme Court personnel trained;
  • Continued support to education, including over 1,600 scholarships awarded annually to Indonesian students through the EU’s Erasmus+ programme and other Member State scholarship schemes; EUR 2.3 million worth of emergency education relief through the Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Fund, which helped bring close to 58,000 children back to school in the aftermath of the 2018 Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami; and the organisation of the European Higher Education Fair, the largest European university fair of its kind in the world, with 19,000 visitors and 122 exhibitors in 2018.

The EU and Indonesia have progressed from a relationship defined by aid assistance towards a mutual partnership shaped by common interests and shared goals. As a member of the G20, the EU has shifted from multiannual bilateral assistance programmes in Indonesia to thematic and regional programmes based on strategic priorities.


“Gone are the days when countries rely on development aid to progress on their growth trajectory. We are moving into an era of strategic partnership built on a joint commitment to the SDGs. In the spirit of SDG 17 ‘Partnership for the goals’, our collaboration with Indonesia helps us address global challenges, as well as areas of strategic priority to both Indonesia and the EU,” added Charles-Michel Geurts, Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the EU Delegation to Indonesia.

Based on these principles, the EU welcomes the opportunity to expand its partnership with Indonesia in priority areas such as economic cooperation, including sustainable investments, and climate change mitigation, and is committed to exploring new and innovative models of cooperation. (JS)

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