Enhancing ASEAN-EU Cooperation: Insights from the Global Gateway Strategy

Sharing for Empowerment

“People-to-people connectivity and investment in education and research are key components of the ASEAN-EU Strategic Partnership,” Sujiro Seam, EU Ambassador to ASEAN, said.

“Today in our Partners’ Dialogue, we celebrated the EU-ASEAN cooperation on education and research and explored avenues to further develop this cooperation in the context of the EU Global Gateway Strategy, working with partners for the betterment of our regions and their people” he added.

Erasmus Programme

The EU-funded Erasmus Programme and Horizon Europe are just two examples of successful collaboration in the field of higher education and research.

Students, scholars, and universities in ASEAN benefited from the Erasmus programme through student and scholar exchanges, postgraduate scholarships, and support for university partnerships.

In the field of research, Horizon Europe is the world’s biggest publicly funded multilateral research and innovation programme.

It offers researchers and innovators outside Europe the opportunity to participate in EU-funded collaborative research and innovation actions. It aims to tackle global challenges, including building green, digital, healthy and resilient societies.

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