30 Ucapan untuk Merayakan Hari Pendidikan Internasional 2024 dalam Bahasa Inggris

Hari Pendidikan Internasional. (dok.unesco)
Hari Pendidikan Internasional. (dok.unesco)
Sharing for Empowerment

JAKARTA, KalderaNews.com – Setiap 24 Januari, kita merayakan Hari Pendidikan Internasional. Berikut ini ucapan untuk merayakan yang bisa kamu bagikan di media sosial!

Hari Pendidikan Internasional telah dicanangkan Majelis Umum Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa mencanangkan sejak 2018.

Tahun ini, Hari Pendidikan Internasional mengangkat tema “learning for lasting peace”.


30 ucapan Hari Pendidikan Internasional

Nah, berikut 30 inspirasi ucapan Hari Pendidikan Internasional, 24 Januari 2024:

  1. Happy International Education Day! Let’s celebrate the power of knowledge to transform lives and build a brighter future for all.
  2. Education is the key to unlocking our true potential. May we continue to learn, grow, and inspire others. Happy International Education Day!
  3. On this International Education Day, let’s commit to creating a world where every child has access to quality education.
  4. Wishing everyone a Happy International Education Day! May the pursuit of knowledge be a lifelong journey filled with discovery and enlightenment.
  5. Education is the foundation of progress. Let’s empower minds and shape the future. Happy International Education Day!
  6. Cheers to the educators who ignite the flame of curiosity and the learners who embrace the journey of discovery. Happy International Education Day!
  7. Every child deserves the opportunity to learn, grow, and dream. Happy International Education Day, let’s make quality education a reality for all!
  8. Education is the passport to the future. Let’s ensure that every child holds this passport. Happy International Education Day!
  9. Celebrating International Education Day with a commitment to fostering a culture of lifelong learning and curiosity. Cheers to knowledge!
  10. Happy International Education Day! Today, let’s appreciate the power of education to break barriers and create a more inclusive world.
  11. To all the teachers, mentors, and learners around the globe. Happy International Education Day! Your efforts are shaping a brighter tomorrow.
  12. On this special day, let’s recognize the transformative power of education in shaping individuals and societies. Happy International Education Day!
  13. Education knows no boundaries. Let’s celebrate diversity in knowledge and embrace the wealth it brings. Happy International Education Day!
  14. Wishing everyone a Happy International Education Day! May the joy of learning be a constant companion on your journey to success.
  15. Education is the cornerstone of progress. Let’s invest in minds, cultivate talents, and build a world of endless possibilities. Happy International Education Day!
  16. Happy International Education Day! Today, let’s reflect on the importance of education in fostering global citizenship and understanding.
  17. Education is a powerful tool for positive change. Let’s use it wisely to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Happy International Education Day!
  18. To the educators who inspire, the learners who aspire, and the advocates who never tire. Happy International Education Day! Your contributions are invaluable.
  19. On this International Education Day, let’s renew our commitment to providing quality education that empowers individuals and uplifts communities.
  20. Happy International Education Day! May the joy of learning and the pursuit of knowledge continue to light up our lives and the world.
  21. Education is the bridge to a better future. Let’s build bridges and break down walls. Happy International Education Day!
  22. Wishing everyone a day filled with inspiration and celebration as we recognize the importance of education in shaping a brighter and more equitable world. Happy International Education Day!
  23. Education is a gift that keeps on giving. Let’s treasure it, nurture it, and share its benefits with the world. Happy International Education Day!
  24. Happy International Education Day! Let’s celebrate the diversity of ideas, cultures, and perspectives that education brings into our lives.
  25. Education empowers us to reach new heights. On this International Education Day, let’s soar to greater knowledge and understanding.
  26. To the learners of today and the leaders of tomorrow. Happy International Education Day! Your dedication to learning paves the way for a better world.
  27. May the light of education shine bright in every corner of the world. Happy International Education Day to all who strive for knowledge and understanding.
  28. Happy International Education Day! Let’s stand together in our commitment to providing inclusive and accessible education for everyone.
  29. Education is the heartbeat of progress. Let it resonate in our actions, thoughts, and aspirations. Happy International Education Day!
  30. On this special day, let’s honor the educators, learners, and advocates who work tirelessly to make education a force for positive change. Happy International Education Day!

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