20 Ucapan Hari Ibu Berbahasa Inggris yang Menyentuh Hati, Yuk Bagikan di Media Sosial

Ucapan Hari Ibu. (kalderanews.com)
Ucapan Hari Ibu. (kalderanews.com)
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JAKARTA, KalderaNews.com – Inilah kumpulan 20 ucapan Hari Ibu yang menyentuh hati dan penuh makna mendalam yang bisa kamu bagikan di media sosial.

Hari Ibu akan kita peringati pada Jumat, 22 Desember 2023. Tahun ini merupakan peringatan Hari Ibu ke-95.

Perayaan Hari Ibu merupakan kesempatan yang penting bagi penghormatan terhadap seluruh perempuan atas dedikasi bagi keluarga, masyarakat, bangsa, dan negara.


Perayaan Hari Ibu 2023, KemenPPA mengangkat tema “Perempuan Berdaya, Indonesia Maju”.

Ucapan Hari Ibu 2023

Untuk merayakan Hari Ibu, kamu bisa mulai berbagi ucapan melalui media.

Dan inilah 20 ucapan Hari Ibu dalam bahasa Inggris yang menyentuh hati:

  1. To the woman who gave me life and taught me how to live it, Happy Mother’s Day!
  2. In your embrace, I found warmth; in your wisdom, I found guidance. Happy Mother’s Day, my guiding star.
  3. A mother’s love is like a beacon, lighting up the darkest moments. Thank you for being my light. Happy Mother’s Day!
  4. To the one who made sacrifices silently, loved unconditionally, and stood by me through thick and thin, Happy Mother’s Day.
  5. In your eyes, I see the reflection of a love so pure. Happy Mother’s Day to the queen of my heart.
  6. You are not just a mother; you are my sanctuary, my safe haven. Happy Mother’s Day to the guardian of my heart.
  7. The beauty of your soul reflects in the love you shower. Happy Mother’s Day to the most beautiful soul I know.
  8. Behind every smile, every tear, and every triumph, there’s you, my source of strength. Happy Mother’s Day!
  9. Your love is the melody of my life’s song, a tune that plays in my heart. Happy Mother’s Day to my forever melody.
  10. In the garden of life, you’re the most exquisite bloom. Happy Mother’s Day to the flower that beautifies my world.
  11. To the woman whose love knows no bounds, Happy Mother’s Day. Your love is my anchor in the stormy sea of life.
  12. You are the architect of my dreams, the sculptor of my character. Happy Mother’s Day to the artist of my life’s masterpiece.
  13. Every day with you is a lesson in kindness, compassion, and strength. Happy Mother’s Day to my greatest teacher.
  14. Through laughter and tears, you’ve been my constant. Happy Mother’s Day to the unwavering presence in my life.
  15. You are the embodiment of grace, the epitome of love. Happy Mother’s Day to the graceful queen of my heart.
  16. Your love is a lighthouse, guiding me through life’s storms. Happy Mother’s Day to the beacon of hope in my journey.
  17. In the symphony of life, your love is the sweetest melody. Happy Mother’s Day to the music that fills my soul.
  18. To the woman who taught me to soar high and dream big, Happy Mother’s Day to my biggest supporter.
  19. Your love is the thread weaving the fabric of my life. Happy Mother’s Day to the seamstress of my destiny.
  20. In your embrace, I find solace; in your love, I find home. Happy Mother’s Day to the heartbeat of my existence.

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