30 Kata Motivasi Belajar dalam Bahasa Inggris, Bikin Semangat Lakukan yang Terbaik

Ilustrasi: Kalimat bijak untuk motivasi belajar di rumah. (KalderaNews.com/Ist.)
Ilustrasi: Kalimat bijak untuk motivasi belajar di rumah. (KalderaNews.com/Ist.)
Sharing for Empowerment

JAKARTA, KalderaNews.com – Berikut ini kumpulan kata motivasi belajar dalam bahasa Inggris. Bisa kamu jadikan status di media sosial kamu nih!

Kata-kata motivasi belajar bahasa Inggris ini bisa menginspirasi hari-harimu, agar tetap semangat menjalani hari serta mengejar cita-cita.

Kata-kata motivasi dalam bahasa Inggris ini juga bisa kamu jadikan kutipan di status media sosial kamu.


So, inilah kumpulan kata motivasi belajar dalam bahasa Inggris:

  1. Whatever you are, be the best.
  2. Live as if you die tomorrow. Learn as if you live forever.
  3. Be the change that you wish see in the world.
  4. When the pain of the obstacle is too great, push yourself to be stronger.
  5. Words can inspire, thoughts can provoke, but only action truly brings closer to your dreams.
  6. You can experience the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The choice to yours.
  7. Do something today your future self will thank you for.
  8. Impossible is just opinion.
  9. Don’t stop when you tired. Stop when you done.
  10. A winner comes from a dreamer who never gives up.
  11. Your only limit is your minds.
  12. Take the risk or lose the opportunity.
  13. Success comes from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.
  14. Never regret day in your life. Good days become happiness and bad days give you experience.
  15. The roots of education is bitter, but it bears sweetness.
  16. Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of mind to think.
  17. Never forestall getting to know due to the fact that lifestyles in no way stops teaching.
  18. Never lose hope, because that’s the key to achieving all your dreams.
  19. If plan A doesn’t work, there are 25 more letters in the alphabet.
  20. Our time is very limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life.
  21. Successful people are not afraid of failure, but they understand that they must learn and grow from it.
  22. Enjoy difficulties, behind the difficulties there must be easy.
  23. A strong hope can make your dreams come true.
  24. Positive actions can make dreams come true.
  25. If opportunity doesn’t come to you, then create it.
  26. People who managed to take advantage of the mistakes that, and will try again to perform inddifferent way.
  27. You most fail whilst you prevent trying.
  28. The future belongs to those who believes in the magic of his dreams.
  29. You were born to be a winner, but in order to do that, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.
  30. Failure teaches us more lessons and more opportunities to make our dreams come true.

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