Ide Ucapan Isra Miraj Berbahasa Inggris, Singkat tapi Penuh Makna Mendalam

Perayaan Isra Miraj. (Ist.)
Perayaan Isra Miraj. (Ist.)
Sharing for Empowerment

JAKARTA, – Umat Islam akan memperingati hari raya Isra Miraj 1444 Hijriyah. So, berikut ide ucapan Isra Miraj dalam bahasa Inggris.

Isra Miraj merupakan peringatan yang penting, karena peristiwa ini berkaitan dengan perjalanan agung Nabi Muhammad menuju langit ketujuh untuk menerima perintah salat dari Allah.

Nah, untuk memperingati hari yang penting itu, kita bisa saling berbagi ucapan kata-kata indah yang menyentuh hati untuk teman, sahabat, orangtua, dan kerabat.


Kumpulan ucapan Isra Miraj berbahasa Inggris

Berikut ini kumpulan ide ucapan perayaan Isra Miraj 2023 dalam bahasa Inggris:

  1. Happy Isra Miraj to all muslims in the world. Say thank to Allah who gave us a leader, the light of life, Prophet Muhammad SAW.
  2. Happy Isra Miraj for you all muslim in the world. We love Nabi Muhammad SAW. 27 Rajab.
  3. May Allah bless us all this Laylat al-Mi’raj, with the bounty of increased prayer, faith, and wisdom to discern His signs, on the horizons and in ourselves. Ameen
  4. Happy Isra Miraj for the Muslim in the world, Allah bless us.
  5. Al-Isra is the night journey of our beloved Prophet (SAW) from Masjid al-Haram in Mecca to Masjid alAqsa in al-Quds. Lailat al-Mi’raj is the name of the acceptance to the highest level from Masjid al-Aqsa. Isra and Mi’raj Night Mubarak!
  6. Wish you all the best for this great and Holy Occasion of the Isra and Miraj 2022, 27th day of Rajab 1444
  7. Happy Isra Miraj of Prophet Muhammad SAW, 27 Rajab 1444 H for all moslem all over the world!
  8. On this auspicious day let us praise the meaning of the journey of Prophet Muhammad SAW.
  9. Wishing everyone’s family peace and prosperity on the holy occasion of Al-Isra Wal Miraj.
  10. The celebration of the day of Isra Mi’raj of the Prophet Muhammad means to explore the meaning of prayer. Isra and Miraj Mubarak!
  11. Let’s welcome the Isra Mirajof the Prophet Muhammad SAW 1444 H in 2023. Hopefully this magical moment will be an encouragement be embrace piety.
  12. Commemoration of Isra Miraj is back in 2023. What a loss for yourself if nothing changes.
  13. 27 Rajab 1444 H has greeted. Whatever teh situation, I hope you don’t give up to strengthen faith.
  14. The holy occasion of Isra Miraj Rasulullah SAW can only be understood by faith. May this heart be given the strength to love the Apostle even more.
  15. Happy commemorating the Isra Miraj of Prophet Muhammad SAW 1444 H. Hopefully this self is getting better and more solmn in worship.
  16. Isra Miraj has come. Let’s welcome it by raised hands. Best prayer for best family, people, nation, dan country.
  17. Momentum Isra Miraj again greeted. Thank Allah for every enjoyment. Indeed, those who are heedless of gratitude will be afflicted with a great los.
  18. Let’s welcome Isra Miraj with a calm heath. Make prayer and patience the best helpers.
  19. Commemoration of Isra Miraj1444 H is back. I remember humans with great character. He is Sayyidina wa Maulana Muhammad SAW.
  20. Congratulations on welcoming Isra Miraj 1444 H in 2023. Don’t let the pandemic break your sincere intention to pray to him.

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