Academic freedom under pressure in Indonesia

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Another thing Wiratraman expects from the Netherlands is stricter criteria for funding. ‘For example: at the North Sumatra University (Universitas Sumatera Utara) a students’ journalist group was dissolved because of a poem one student wrote about LGBT. And it didn’t stop at that: they even destroyed and set fire to the students’ office. ) If this university would cooperate with let’s say with Dutch Universities, what consequences would this have for the cooperation?

Furthermore Wiratraman thinks that the Dutch government stops funding research cooperations that thwart fundamental freedoms. The Netherlands should increase its scrutiny, looking at criteria for academic freedom’, since the Dutch government has invested a lot of money in research cooperation.

Who is Herlambang Wiratraman

Herlambang Wiratraman, Assistant Professor at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), is a vice coordinator of ALMI’s science and society. Specialist in constitutional law, human rights and freedom of expression. Currently, Chair of Research Center for Law and Social Justice, Faculty of Law UGM, and also an Advisory Board member of KIKA, Indonesian Caucus for Academic Freedom. Herlambang is the recipient of 2018’s Yamin Award on Constitutional Law Studies and 2022’s Tasrif Award for Freedom of Expression and the Press.

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