Academic freedom under pressure in Indonesia

Sharing for Empowerment


Unfortunately, not many Indonesian researchers dare to speak out. Nevertheless some hundred academics join the Indonesian Caucus For Academic Freedom (KIKA), of which Herlambang Wiratraman is on the Advisory Board. The Indonesian Caucus for Academic Freedom (KIKA) is a national coalition of researchers and students who are concerned about human rights and fundamental freedoms, especially those related to academic freedom. KIKA started in 2017 and has four autonomous branches at local levels, in Aceh, Papua, Bali, and East Kalimantan.

With his organisation Wiratraman works on bolstering the legal framework for academic freedom. ‘In 2017 we drafted the Surabaya Principles for Academic Freedom. Step by step we work on embedding these principles in national and international law.’ For Wiratraman academic freedom has two aspects. Firstly the right to individual freedom – ‘Compare it to the freedom of expression’ – and secondly the freedom of educational institutions that secures their autonomy. But the resistance is strong: in 2019 the government passed a science law that requires alle research considered ‘dangerous’ require a permit of the central government.

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