Happy Batik Day! Inilah 20 Ucapan Selamat Hari Batik Nasional 2021 dalam Bahasa Inggris

Seorang perempuan sedang membatik. (Kalderanews.com/y.prayogo)
Seorang perempuan sedang membatik. (Kalderanews.com/y.prayogo)
Sharing for Empowerment

JAKARTA, KalderaNews.com – Setiap tanggal 2 Oktober, kita merayakan Hari Batik Nasional. Hal ini mengingatkan kita bahwa batik telah diakui sebagai warisan budaya bagi dunia.

Selain mengenakan batik, kita juga bisa merayakan Hari Batik Nasional dengan cara membagikan ucapan yang inspiratif melalui media sosial. Ini juga menjadi gerakan untuk mencintai produk-produk Indonesia, termasuk batik.


So, inilah 20 ucapan Selamat Hari Batik Nasional 2021 dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu bagikan melalui media sosial:

  1. Proud to be Indonesian, proud of our heritage! Happy Batik Day 2021.
  2. Happy Batik Day 2021. Batik Day is celebrated on October 2nd throughout Indonesia with a great sense of pride and honor.
  3. Happy Batik Day 2021. Batik is our pride, identity, and masterpiece.
  4. Happy Batik Day 2021! Batik is not merely ornaments on traditional textiles. Batik is inseparable from its process of batik, which implies that Batik is a whole from its making until its appreciation.
  5. Batik for everyone and everywhere. Happy Batik Day 2021.
  6. Let us wear batik as a real identity of Indonesia and Happy Batik Day 2021!
  7. Let us making batik as a identity of Indonesia from now and Happy Batik Day!
  8. Batik a big icon that has from Indonesia and Happy Batik Day!
  9. Batik is a product from Indonesia and as a young generation we should make batik always exist and Happy Batik Day 2021!
  10. Happy Batik Day and wear it, keep, and make batik as a culture!
  11. If we are proud with batik we should wear it and Happy Batik Day
  12. We have meaning of batik from born to die. Happy Batik Day
  13. Batik as a reflection about many culture in Indonesia. Happy Batik Day
  14. Batik as one of ten original culture from Indonesia. Happy Batik Day
  15. Batik motif as a fashion style, from formal an also informal. Happy Batik Day
  16. Batik is also love by world figure why are not. Happy Batik Day 2021!
  17. We are has a batik as a special culture, Happy Batik Day 2021
  18. Love product from Indonesia. Happy Batik Day
  19. The big nation is a nation that love their product. Happy Batik Day
  20. Love batik, Love Indonesia. Happy Batik Day 2021!

*Jika merasa artikel ini bermanfaat, silakan dishare pada saudara, sahabat dan teman-temanmu

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