15 Ucapan Selamat Hari Kartini dalam Bahasa Inggris Sederhana Penuh Makna

Raden Ajeng Kartini (Ist)
Sharing for Empowerment

JAKARTA, KalderaNews.com – Hari Kartini diperingati setiap tanggal 21 April bertepatan dengan tanggal lahir sang pejuang emansipasi wanita yaitu Raden Adjeng Kartini. Pada tahun ini, Hari Kartini diperingati di tengah pandemi Covid-19 pada Rabu, 21 April 2021.

Raden Adjeng Kartini atau akrab disebut Ibu Kartini adalah sosok perempuan yang dikenal sebagai pejuang emansipasi wanita. Putri bangsawan ini di masanya sangat tergganggu dengan yang namanya isu gender. Sebagai perempuan, Kartini tentu ingin menyuarakan hak-haknya. Dia lah simbol emansipasi wanita di Indonesia.

Nah, untuk meneruskan kembali semangat juangnya, tak ada salahnya mengucapkan Selamat Hari Kartini pada ibu dan perempuan-perempuan yang berjasa dalam hidupmu.


Dirangkum dari berbagai sumber, berikut 15 kata ucapan Selamat Hari Kartini inspiratif bertema pengobar semangat untuk perempuan-perempuan Indonesia:

  1. Make your life is colourfull and perfect and also has a meaning. Happy kartini day.
  2. My life never to be beautiful like now without you. Thank you to be kartini in my life. Happy kartini day!
  3. Happy kartini day for all of the woman in indonesia, to be fire that never quit, always bright from your brightness.
  4. Thanks for being woman that helping us. If there is no woman like you. May be our dream can not be true. Happy kartini day
  5. Make your life colourfull and make your story like R.A Kartini. Happy kartini day!
  6. Has a struggle in the first is a usual. If the bright result in tomorrow will come. Like kartini said in her letter ” habis gelap terbitlah terang.” Happy kartini day
  7. Thank you that you are helping us until now. Because if in indonesia does not has a woman just like you, i think that i never be person just now. Happy kartini day!
  8. Happy kartini day to all of the woman in indonesia. And reach your dream as high as a sky because the spirit of young kartini always better and always in the heart of indonesian woman. Happy kartini day
  9. Always dreaming and reach the big dream is in your hand. The kartini dream that want to be prosperity isher dream. No one can make it real, if not us. Happy kartini day!
  10. Happy kartini day for you. I hope you will be the better woman for indonesia.
  11. The dream that never to be real if you are only silent and confident with discrimination. Happy kartini day!
  12. Happy kartini day for indonesian students. Hope you always get the ambitions to reach your dream. Happy kartini day!
  13. No one can make us happy that without making smile in anotherperson face, and especially for person that we loved. Happy kartini day!
  14. Happy kartini day for mother, sister and my beloved. And i hope that the soul of kartini always in your life. Happy kartini day
  15. Many thing that can make you falling down, but the only one that make you fall down is yourself. Happy kartini day

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