Green education to strengthen human capital in Indonesia

Winner 2020, Week of Indonesia Netherlands Education and Research,
Para menteri di Week of Indonesia Netherlands Education and Research (WINNER) bertajuk "Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals - From Knowledge to Practice (KalderaNews/S. Wicaksono)
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Increasing the cooperation in Green Education between Indonesia and the Netherlands offers big opportunities in improving the skills and capacity of Indonesia’s labor force. Join the Week of Indonesia Netherlands Education and Research (WINNER) to hear more!

JAKARTA, – Education is the basis in preparing people for the job market, this is especially true for technical and vocational education and training (TVET). To improve TVET, Indonesia will require a major reform of its education and vocational institutions. This is acknowledged by the Indonesian Government.

“It is time to focus on the development of human resources”, President of Indonesia Joko Widodo said at the start of his new term in 2019.

According to the Minister of Education and Culture, Nadiem Makarim, international collaboration in vocational education is one of the priorities to improve the skills and capacity of Indonesia’s labour force.


In 2016, Indonesia and the Netherlands started to improve vocational education in agriculture.

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