Congratulations! 200 Indonesians receive Erasmus+ scholarships for the academic year 2019

Penerima Beasiswa Erasmus Plus 2019
Penerima Beasiswa Erasmus Plus 2019 di acara Award Ceremony and Pre-Departure Orientation Erasmus Plus Scholarship Programme di Mandarin Oriental Jakarta Hotel, Jakarta, Minggu, 28 Juli 2019 (KalderaNews/JS de Britto)
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JAKARTA, – Two hundred (200) Indonesian students and scholars have successfully earned scholarships from the European Union (EU) under the Erasmus+ (Erasmus Plus) Programme for the 2019 academic year. Soon the Erasmus+ awardees will travel to various EU Member States to undertake Bachelor, Master, Doctorate or Post-Doctorate studies, either as full degrees or short-term exchange programmes. Some of the Erasmus+ awardees will study in two different universities located in different European countries.

During the award ceremony today (28/7) in Jakarta, Charge d’affaires a.i of the EU Delegation to Indonesia, Mr Charles-Michel Geurts, and Mr Adhrial Refaddin, Head of Section for International Collaboration of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, congratulated all awardees on their success in obtaining the Erasmus+ scholarships.

“Along with the lifetime opportunity to grow on a professional and personal level, the Erasmus+ Scholarship provides original and unique perspectives and lessons that the Erasmus Alumni will bring back home. So many Indonesian lives have been touched and enriched by their experience in studying in Europe. All Erasmus+ Scholarship awardees are potential leaders, in their respective fields and expertise, and we are proud to be able to contribute to the future of Indonesia in this way,” said Mr Charles-Michel Geurts.

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