Studi di Belanda: Interview with Mr. Julian Rawel, Lecturer at TIAS Business School

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Studi di Belanda: Interview with Mr. Julian Rawel, Lecturer at TIAS Business School
Class in TIAS: They work hard and all strive for good grades. The diversity in students, both in nationalities and gender, is also a great feature of the students at TIAS (KalderaNews/Dok. TIAS)

I also very much like the staff at TIAS, they are always willing to help and are great colleagues to work with. I have known some of them for a very long time now as I have been connected to TIAS for a long time. I have also been coming to Utrecht for about 17 years now and absolutely love the city. In my opinion, it’s the most attractive city in the Netherlands.

According to you, what do students enjoy most about the Marketing in the Services Economy module that you teach?
This is really something that you should be asking the students! But in my opinion they very much like seeing something different when it comes to marketing, which is why we came up with Marketing in the Services Economy. Most of the students have previously followed some marketing courses and feel like they already know a lot about marketing, but this offers them something different.

Studi di Belanda: Interview with Mr. Julian Rawel, Lecturer at TIAS Business School
Group Discussion: They want to be doing things, rather than listening to a lecturer and allowing them to work in groups is a great exercise (KalderaNews/Dok. TIAS)

In addition, the course is extremely practical, which they enjoy. Currently the students are on their 6th piece of practical work already and all the pieces are marked. They want to be doing things, rather than listening to a lecturer and allowing them to work in groups is a great exercise. They key to a good module is keeping it fast-moving, otherwise their minds will wander off and they won’t be able to learn as much as they should.

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