EU Ambassador to ASEAN announces three new EU-ASEAN cooperation programmes

The European Union (EU) Ambassador to ASEAN, Igor Driesmans
The European Union (EU) Ambassador to ASEAN, Igor Driesmans (KalderaNews/JS de Britto)
Sharing for Empowerment

JAKARTA, – The European Union (EU) Ambassador to ASEAN, Igor Driesmans announced three new development cooperation projects with ASEAN for a total amount of EUR 13 million on Thursday, August 13, 2020.

The announcement of the new projects was made during the opening of the 3rd ASEAN-EU Cooperation and Scholarships Day, a virtual event highlighting connectivity in higher education as a key thematic area of EU-ASEAN cooperation.

These projects will support smart and sustainable urbanisation, sustainable forest management, and ASEAN Supreme Audit Institutions.


The EU is ASEANs most significant partner in development cooperation, supporting the region with EUR 250 million for regional integration programmes between 2014-2020, in addition to EUR 2 billion in bilateral support to ASEAN Member States.

Important priority areas of cooperation are green growth, climate change and the environment.

The new projects starting in 2020 will: support sustainable urbanisation, focusing on smart solutions enabled by digitalisation and the use of technologies (Smart Green ASEAN cities, EUR 5 million), support forest governance and sustainable timber licencing and trade across the region (FLEGT, EUR 5 million) and strengthen regional capacity and raise awareness and implementation of international standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASEANSAI, EUR 3 million).

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