20th Anniversary StuNed: It’s All About Impact

Konferensi Pers Perayaan 20 Tahun StuNed
Press Conference Commemoration of 20th Year of StuNed, Erasmus Huis, Tuesday, 10 September 2019. Second Secretary , Political Affairs Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherland, Roy Spijkerboer, Director of Nuffic Neso Indonesia, Peter van Tuijl, Coordinator of the Nuffic Neso Indonesia scholarship team, Indy Hardono and alumni of StuNed, Maria Goreti Ika Riana (KalderaNews/S. Wicaksono)
Sharing for Empowerment

JAKARTA, KalderaNews.com – This year marks StuNed 20th anniversary, StuNed has helped to build bridges with 4,619 alumni, supporting the education and development of future leaders, influencers, and decision-makers across Indonesia.

As part of the celebration, scholarship team of Nuffic Neso Indonesia hosts a special event on Tuesday 10th September 2019 and takes place in Erasmus Huis.

This event invites more than 300 partners, stakeholders, and StuNed alumni. 20th Anniversary StuNed aims to highlight the achievement and the impact that StuNed has been created in 20 years and set direction for the future.


Studeren in Nederland or StuNed, is a full scholarship programme, a longstanding component at the heart of the bilateral relationship between Indonesia and the Netherlands.

Since 2000, the programme has been funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation through the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN) in Jakarta and implemented by Nuffic Neso Indonesia, the overseas representative of the Dutch Organisation for Internationalisation in Education (Nuffic).

Over the past 20 years, StuNed has supported and contributed to Indonesia’s human capital development in various strategic areas, including: agriculture, investment climate, water management and security and the rule of law. This has positioned StuNed as one of the most prominent scholarships among various scholarship programmes available for Indonesian citizens.

Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Indonesia, Lambert Grijns, Erasmus Huis, Jakarta, Tuesday, 10 September 2019, di acara 20 tahun StuNed
Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Indonesia, Lambert Grijns, Erasmus Huis, Jakarta, Tuesday, 10 September 2019 (KalderaNews/S.Wicaksono)

Since 2000, four modalities have been applied under StuNed, namely Master degrees, Short Courses, Tailor-made Trainings and Refreshing courses. The later was removed from the programme in 2012. Masters and Short Courses are awarded based on Individual Applications, while Tailor-made Trainings are awarded based on Group Applications.

Since it was first launched in 2000 until now, StuNed has gone through a number of changes in terms of its substantive focus, usually referred to as priority areas. In the previous phases StuNed has changed from having a focus on geographically poor areas and development-needs of specific sectors to a more competitive, merit-based scholarship.

Around 4,500 Indonesians have received support from StuNed since it was launched in 2000. These 4,500 students are the spearhead of the bilateral relationship between Indonesia and the Netherlands and serve as ambassador/showcase of the excellent qualities of Dutch Higher Education.

Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Indonesia, Lambert Grijns, Erasmus Huis, Jakarta, Tuesday, 10 September 2019 di acara 20 tahun StuNed
Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Indonesia, Lambert Grijns, Erasmus Huis, Jakarta, Tuesday, 10 September 2019 (KalderaNews/JS de Britto)

The StuNed alumni work for the government, the private sector and civil society organisations and are geographically spread all over Indonesia, which opens up various prospective collaborations. Most of our alumni work in the relevant fields that support the development of Indonesia and hold various key positions.

A StuNed alumni association or network, ‘IamstuNed’, has been established in 2018 to foster more comprehensive cooperation between the two countries. Regional chapters of the Alumni association are being formed in several provinces, including South Sulawesi and North Sumatra/Aceh.

StuNed by numbers: Total fund: € 84,293,023:

  • StuNed 1-3 (2000 – 2009): € 43,299,830 -> priority for women and outside Java
  • StuNed 4 (2010 – 2015): € 31,200,000 -> priority for 50 partner organisations
  • StuNed 5 – 6 (2016 – 2021): € 9,793,193 -> priority for bilateral areas
    Modalities: Master, Short Course, Tailor Made Training and Refresher Courses. Priority areas: agriculture, investment climate, water management and security and the rule of law.

StuNed, (Studeren in Nederland) is a scholarship programme focusing on excellent fresh graduates and young professionals from Indonesia. For more information check the website of Nuffic Neso Indonesia: StuNed Scholarship (JS)

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