TIAS School for Business and Society Pikat Profesional Muda Jakarta

TIAS School for Business and Society Pikat Prefesional Muda Jakarta
Senior Adviser TIAS School for Business and Society dari Belanda, Humphrey Sopakuwa di Erasmus Huis, Jakarta, Jumat, 22 Februari 2019 (KalderaNews/JS de Britto)
Sharing for Empowerment

JAKARTA, KalderaNews.com – Hujan yang mengguyur Jakarta tak menyurutkan semangat puluhan profesional muda mengikuti Info Session TIAS School for Business and Society di Erasmus Huis, Jakarta, Jumat, 22 Februari 2019. Pada Jumat sore itu, sepulang dari kerja, kebanyakan dari mereka rela menerjang hujan dan padatnya kemacetan.

Bukan tanpa alasan mereka mau melakukannya. TIAS School for Business and Society hadir di Jakarta untuk memberikan informasi tentang program studi, persyaratan pendaftaran dan kesempatan beasiswa international full time MBA dan full time international MSc in Business Administration (MScBA).

Program Beasiswa TIAS School for Business and Society
Studi di Belanda: Interview with Mr. Julian Rawel, Lecturer at TIAS Business School
TIAS Business School: Studi di Belanda-A Sweet Honeymoon Stage

Hadir pada sesi ini Senior Adviser TIAS School for Business and Society langsung dari Belanda, Humphrey Sopakuwa dan Program Adviser TIAS Business School Representative Office Taipei Ms. Ava Lai.


  1. Note for new students: please be aware that Tias acts different then as they communicate during the information sessions.
    During the information sessions before choosing this school and program, Tias staff are very warm and helpful. They also shared examples where the school fully cooperated with students in case of a mismatch. Unfortunately, in my case this mismatch occurred and the people from the education are suddenly no longer the ones who communicate or who are in charge. The talks are being done by someone different from Tias and that person is absolutely not willing to act in the same line as presented during the information session before entering the program.

    • Hi Denal Jansen,
      This is Ava, program adviser at TIAS, and responsible for assisting Indonesian students through the application process, especially for Full-time International MBA/MScBA programs at TIAS. I was also there during the info session, in this Feb., in Jakarta. Here I sincerely apologize for how you feel about TIAS. Could you kindly contact me through my email: p.y.lai@tias.edu? Then we can surely discuss further about the best program for you. Thank you! Feel free to contact me at anytime.

      Ava (email/Skype: p.y.lai@tias.edu)

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